About DoorVue
DoorVue is a way to easily locate the nearest cameras in a designated area during the course of an investigation, emergency event, or emergency response. In the past, investigators had to rely on eyewitnesses and piece together pertinent information over days and sometimes months. The camera registry gives private residents and business owners the ability to register their cameras to an online portal, via a crowd sourcing methodology, only accessible through permission, for police to quickly and easily use cameras to create a map of relevant cameras that could obtain actionable evidence for crimes and life-saving data
Public safety agencies depend on neighbourhoods to mitigate and investigate crimes and be better equipped as first responders on the scene of critical incidents. doorvue serves to increase community security while maintaining personal privacy.
“When the public register with doorvue they are helping to create stronger public-private collaborations and enable businesses and community members to work more closely with the police.“
Who has access to the camera map?
Only authorised vetted users have access to the entire camera registry map.
Is my camera information subject to Data Protection Act/UKGDPR?
Any submitted footage falls under the Category of CCTV and as the footage is taken in the public domain, the Domestic Purposes Exemption under the Data Protection Act/UKGDPR does not apply and therefore all users are Data Controllers in their own right. As such you should be informing the public that they are being filmed and should have some form of notification on your mode of transport as you have responsibilities under the Data Protection Act /UKGDPR.
Will facial recognition technology be used?
doorvue does not employ facial recognition technology or integrate with any facial recognition technology systems.
Is the doorvue secure?
The data is secured with AES 256-bit encryption at rest, in transit, and in the Cloud. The doorvue establishes a secure connection with TLS 1.3 allowing outbound traffic to AWS GovCloud. Once data reaches the doorvue CJIS-compliant cloud storage location, hosted on AWS Gov-Cloud servers, data is redundantly stored in multiple, geographically separated storage locations, or zones, to ensure over 99.9999% reliability and durability of data.